If you want all the professional stuff go to the portfolio section, this about me page explains my life extensively, so readers please enjoy!
Born and raised in Polanco, Mexico City. A great spot to go out for a coffee or do a walk around the park. There are great restaurants and nightclubs to go hang out and spend a lovely evening with your friends. Most of the time I would go get some ice-cream and walk around the park with my friends.

In there I played tennis since I was a boy and then I got into serious tournaments (ITF, etc..) and competition, my training changed a lot. I started going to the gym, I had long 6 hours sessions as I got older, all with one goal in my father’s mind and mine: to be able to land that tennis scholarship way up north That happened to be Danville, Virginia. There I played NCAA DIII tennis for the Averett University Cougars.

Life in the US definitely gave me a culture shock, yet this was something that I learned to live with. I of course missed home, but at the same time I found a new one in the states. Danvile was my spot, but not for the summer. During vacation I would go back home to train and improve for the next season. I won a lot during that time in my career, It was a good time in my life which I remember with pride. I made a lot of friends from all over the world at Averett, great people with good hearts.
AU was really expensive, so we were looking for a higher academic level. I remember one day I went to the mail room, opened my mail box and got a letter from Concord University saying that I was accepted! My father and I were making the celebration dance! don’t ask me how that is, I am not the best dancer, one day I will be a great dancer, end of my frustrated desires section.
I got a better scholarship, better education and better competition level! CU is a member of NCAA II which means that it was way harder for me to win matches, nevertheless I was winning all if not, most of the #6 matches. Then when Coach Joe moved me up in the ranks the ratio went down. At this moment of my life I was thinking that I should become more independent and produce a way to sustain myself somehow, then after some time we got a new teammate and thanks to him I would find my first summer job! story pause; let me emphasize that the fact of me knowing this person would give my life a turn that was completely unexpected yet incredibly awesome.
If you would like me to tell you more in detail about my frustrated dreams and daily life struggles, just dm me, I might be getting personal on the internet, it depends on what your feedback is.
My life in the US was quite strange and interesting, since I really wanted to stick to the healthy sporty life that I was used to for all my life in Mexico, but then I thought that I was here to also discover life and appreciate how fortunate I am for just being here. Millions of humans would love to have the opportunity that I had and I had to enjoy for all of those who couldn’t. I was a great student athlete and whenever I went to party I went hard, otherwise I would rather stay home. I was trying to be responsible while doing it, if that makes sense. I had constant requirements as a student athlete, keep good grades, drug tests, gym hours, minimum credits per semester and on top of that I wanted to work on campus and me as an international student didn’t have the odds to land one, until I met someone which happened to be a friend of the boss and then I got the job. Pocket money from CU to me, good times. I honestly was just out there to help people and be helped in one way or another, I was a happiness spreader, I would bread in joy and exhale unforgettable moments. I wanted to give my best to the people I cared for and this is where the tennis team and the frat collide. This moment mentioned really taught me to manage my time effectively and live life while being responsible. College in the US is a great experience, the fact of being able to play a sport you love and get appreciated financially for that is just a feeling of: “oh god I never won a tournament but hey, this is my own small achievement!”, it is something isn’t it. I went through life crisis, psychological problems, stress and everything you can possibly imagine for me to not be able to graduate or as I like to call it “an excuse not to make it”. It was pretty hard for me to do it and achieve it, but if I did anyone can.


The boys of Phi Mu – Big Heads, are a part of my life that is really important to me, because between us there is a genuine bond no matter the distance or time. Being a part of this fraternity showed me to apply our values to every aspect in my life. I consider myself as a good individual with a clear and positive mindset, I know where I’m going and everything I’ve learned from the chapter has had an impact in my life in a great way. Gentleman, you’ll always have a home in Europe and I know I can come down to the states, I love you brothers thanks for everything you’ve done for me. It was a great decision and honor to be part of such a great organization.

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Proin nec felis fringilla, sodales dolor vel, fringilla purus. Etiam aliquet laoreet egestas. Nullam vestibulum quam in vulputate ultricies. Ut ut ligula eu dolor dapibus fermentum. Praesent risus felis, mattis et erat nec, elementum dictum lorem. Nunc eu risus vitae enim finibus hendrerit at at ligula. Donec ornare elit enim, quis eleifend justo lacinia sed. Nunc ac orci in risus tristique egestas et non sem. Vivamus a vehicula erat, ut porta nisi. Integer turpis ante, elementum non cursus ornare, consequat eu ligula. Sed sit amet sapien vel diam molestie volutpat. In imperdiet tellus quis nisi posuere rutrum sed molestie mi. Phasellus ut euismod velit. Suspendisse in dignissim sem. Quisque nec mattis metus. Curabitur pharetra mauris ac felis pulvinar, non elementum erat pharetra.
Duis porta ullamcorper blandit. Mauris mattis, purus non porta commodo, risus est aliquam neque, vel tincidunt nunc nulla quis quam. Nunc sit amet arcu porttitor, facilisis felis ac, vehicula lorem. Duis consequat nibh turpis, nec mollis dui elementum ut. Etiam consectetur purus et lectus elementum tincidunt. Mauris et molestie nisl. Morbi sodales pretium odio mollis pretium. Duis sed tincidunt odio. Nullam egestas erat at orci interdum venenatis. Etiam vel eleifend lectus. Phasellus tincidunt est vel sapien vehicula, ut aliquet lorem vulputate. Ut mollis risus eget felis tristique, sed auctor turpis dignissim. Sed a metus non felis feugiat bibendum.